DairyFlow Technician job in the UK

DairyFlow Technician job in the UK. Are you seeking the latest position as a DairyFlow Technician job in the UK? GEA GROUP UK promises to offer an attractive salary package to its employees of GBP 10-20 hourly for the DairyFlow Technician position.

Job Name:

  • DairyFlow Technician job

Salary DairyFlow Technician:

  • GBP 10-20 per hour

Job Duties and Overview:

  • All necessary new equipment will be installed on time and to satisfaction.
  • Upkeep and fixing of already installed client gear
  • Respond with mechanical and electrical engineering solutions.
  • Maintaining a well supplied breakdown van.
  • Sharing the on-call duties on a monthly basis.
  • Instruction of new hires and trainees per the instructions of Dealer Management
  • Maintaining an up-to-date knowledge of relevant technical information and external developments.
  • Giving the office administrator task sheets to use for billing and stock adjustments

Eligibility Criteria/About the Candidate

  • Possessing strong numeracy skills and a secondary school education
  • Expertise in electrical and/or mechanical engineering is required.
  • Working knowledge of the outdoors is highly desirable.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Competence in both teamwork and independent effort
  • Excellent verbal and social skills
  • Time-management skills

Application Last Date

  • March 10, 2024
Applying Method
  • For applying to this job, candidate should follow the simple method
  • Applicants need to apply online through the below-given platform
  • Apply directly through our given platform
  • Press “Apply” at the bottom.

Follow the link https://dailynewsjob.com to learn about more exciting job possibilities.

  • UK
Job Overview
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