Passenger Transport Office job in the UK


Passenger Transport Office job in the UK. Are you seeking the latest position as a Passenger Transport Office job in the UK? NORTH NORTHAMPTOM COUNCIL promises to offer an attractive salary package to its employees of GBP 10-15 hourly for the Passenger Transport Office job position. The Senior Passenger Transport Officer is responsible for organizing and supervising a team of passenger transport planners to efficiently process transportation requests and determine transportation eligibility, all while providing the highest quality service possible at the best possible cost to the Council.

The successful candidate for this position will contribute their professional skills and knowledge to ensuring that the transportation service provided to customers is effective and tailored to their specific requirements. Ability to explain eligibility determinations to Officers, Schools, and the general public requires strong interpersonal and analytical abilities.
Maintaining a high standard and following all essential policies and procedures while meeting the demand for Home to School Transport will fall on your shoulders as a supervisor and leader of your team. Thanks to your expertise, you’ll be able to provide transit recommendations that are both policy-guided and considerate of the applicant’s unique needs. This may require going to people’s houses and talking to them about applying for transportation.

Job Name:

  • Passenger Transport Office job

Salary Passenger Transport Office job:

  • GBP 10-15 per hour

Job Duties and Overview:

  • helping people live active, fulfilled lives; caring for our youth; providing them with high-quality education and opportunities; enabling a thriving and successful economy; leading on a green and
  • sustainable environment; ensuring our communities connected so that people can shape their lives and the places they live; providing modern public services; helping people live green and sustainable lives;
  • helping people live active, fulfilled lives; caring for our youth; providing them with high-quality education and opportunities; enabling a thriving and successful economy; leading on a green and
  • sustainable environment; ensuring our communities are connected so that people can shape their lives and the places they live; providing modern public services; helping people live green and sustainable lives;

Application Last Date

  • December 30, 2023
Applying Method
  • For applying to this job, candidate should follow the simple method
  • Applicants need to apply online through the below-given platform
  • Apply directly through our given platform
  • Press “Apply” at the bottom.

Follow the link to learn about more exciting job possibilities.

  • UK


Job Overview
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