Supervisor job in the UAE

  • Full Time
  • UAE
  • Posted 1 year ago
  • 20-30 AED / Hour
  • Applications have closed


Supervisor job in the UAE. Are you seeking the latest position as a Supervisor job in the UAE? SABIS NETWORK promises to offer an attractive salary package to its employees of AED 20-30 hourly for the Supervisor job position.

Job Name:

  • Supervisor job

Salary Supervisor job:

  • AED 20-30 per hour

Job Duties and Overview:

  • Checking classrooms, hallways, and bathrooms at the start of the school day to make sure everything is neat and tidy for the kids
  • Using SLO® prefects to organize and supervise the line-up of students before, during, and after recess
  • Making sure kids don’t waste time walking from one classroom to another Supervising and talking to children about how school discipline
  • helps maintain a secure learning environment
  • Keeping the classroom at a peaceful hum as students return from recess
  • A punctual arrival of pupils to class prior to the start of the day
  • Inspiring pupils to put forth their best effort in class so that they can learn as much as possible while they are there
  • Using the SABIS® School Management System (SSMS) to input data, such as student infractions, attendance reports, and teacher records.
  • Notifying parents of their child’s absence and providing updates as needed Keeping an eye on classrooms to make sure everyone is on the same page
  • Making sure there is no fighting or bullying going on at school so that everyone feels safe.
  • Notifying students of the upcoming disciplinary measures, such as classroom or after-school detention, etc.
  • Seeing that every student boards their designated bus after school and accompanying them to the bus stop
  • Putting together reports every day on things like teacher observations, student violations, complaints from teachers, etc.
  • Bringing up any problems or concerns they have with student conduct in weekly team meetings
  • Taking up supplementary responsibilities when they come up and as assigned by the school administration

Eligibility Criteria/About the Candidate

  • A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field or its equivalent
  • Depending on the subject, fluent or native English speaker
  • Microsoft Office required files
  • Abilities in Effective Communication
  • Capacity to collaborate with others

Application Last Date

  • April 25, 2024
Applying Method
  • For applying to this job, candidate should follow the simple method
  • Applicants need to apply online through the below-given platform
  • Apply directly through our given platform
  • Press “Apply” at the bottom.

Follow the link DailyNewsJob to learn about more exciting job possibilities.

  • UAE


Job Overview
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